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Building Docker images

This document provides instructions on how to build Docker images for OrioleDB, and how to test them.


Before you begin, make sure you have Docker installed on your local machine. If not, you can download and install it from the Docker official website.

  • docker -v


Open a terminal and navigate to the OrioleDB project directory, if you are not already in it:

  • cd path/to/orioledb

Build (Alpine) PostgreSQL 17 + OrioleDB extension:

  • docker build -t orioletest:17 --pull --network=host --progress=plain --build-arg PG_MAJOR="17" .

Start server:

  • docker run --name orioletest17 -v orioletest15data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=oriole123 -d orioletest:17

Connect to the server via psql:

  • docker exec -ti orioletest17 psql -U postgres

You should expect a similar psql message:

psql (17.0 OrioleDB public beta 7 PGTAG=patches17_5 alpine:3.20+clang build:2024-10-25T19:54:25+00:00 17.0)
Type "help" for help.

Enable orioledb extension:

  • create extension if not exists orioledb;

Test some commands:

postgres=# select orioledb_version();
OrioleDB public beta 7
(1 row)

postgres=# CREATE TABLE oriole_test (a int) USING orioledb;
postgres=# INSERT INTO oriole_test VALUES (1), (2);
postgres=# SELECT * FROM oriole_test;
(2 rows)

postgres=# VACUUM ANALYZE oriole_test;

postgres=# \d+ oriole_test
Table "public.oriole_test"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description
a | integer | | | | plain | | |
Access method: orioledb

postgres=# \d+
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description
public | oriole_test | table | postgres | permanent | orioledb | 8192 bytes |
public | orioledb_index | view | postgres | permanent | | 0 bytes |
public | orioledb_index_descr | view | postgres | permanent | | 0 bytes |
public | orioledb_table | view | postgres | permanent | | 0 bytes |
public | orioledb_table_descr | view | postgres | permanent | | 0 bytes |
(5 rows)

postgres=# \dx
List of installed extensions
Name | Version | Schema | Description
orioledb | 1.2 | public | OrioleDB -- the next generation transactional engine
plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(2 rows)

postgres=# \dx+ orioledb
Objects in extension "orioledb"
Object description
access method orioledb
function orioledb_commit_hash()
function orioledb_compression_max_level()
function orioledb_evict_pages(oid,integer)
function orioledb_get_evicted_trees()
function orioledb_get_index_descrs()
function orioledb_get_table_descrs()
function orioledb_has_retained_undo()
function orioledb_idx_structure(oid,text,character varying,integer)
function orioledb_index_description(oid,oid,oid,text)
function orioledb_index_oids()
function orioledb_index_rows(oid)
function orioledb_page_stats()
function orioledb_parallel_debug_start()
function orioledb_parallel_debug_stop()
function orioledb_recovery_synchronized()
function orioledb_relation_size(oid)
function orioledb_sys_tree_check(integer,boolean)
function orioledb_sys_tree_rows(integer)
function orioledb_sys_tree_structure(integer,character varying,integer)
function orioledb_table_description(oid)
function orioledb_table_description(oid,oid,oid)
function orioledb_table_oids()
function orioledb_table_pages(oid)
function orioledb_tableam_handler(internal)
function orioledb_tbl_are_indices_equal(regclass,regclass)
function orioledb_tbl_bin_structure(oid,boolean,integer)
function orioledb_tbl_check(oid,boolean)
function orioledb_tbl_compression_check(bigint,oid,integer[])
function orioledb_tbl_indices(oid)
function orioledb_tbl_structure(oid,character varying,integer)
function orioledb_ucm_check()
function orioledb_version()
function orioledb_write_pages(oid)
function pg_stopevent_reset(text)
function pg_stopevent_set(text,jsonpath)
function pg_stopevents()
function s3_get(text)
function s3_put(text,text)
type orioledb_index
type orioledb_index[]
type orioledb_index_descr
type orioledb_index_descr[]
type orioledb_table
type orioledb_table[]
type orioledb_table_descr
type orioledb_table_descr[]
view orioledb_index
view orioledb_index_descr
view orioledb_table
view orioledb_table_descr
(51 rows)

Quit from the database: \q

Stop the server:

  • docker stop orioletest17

Remove container:

  • docker container rm orioletest17

Remove docker image:

  • docker rmi orioletest:17

Remove the data volume:

  • docker volume rm orioletest17data

Building Docker Images

To build a Docker image, use one of the following commands:

To build PostgreSQL 17 + OrieleDB extension

docker build -t orioletest:17 --pull --network=host --progress=plain --build-arg PG_MAJOR="17" .

To build PostgreSQL 16 + OrieleDB extension

docker build -t orioletest:16 --pull --network=host --progress=plain --build-arg PG_MAJOR="16" .

Supported environment variables

This project aims to maintain compatibility with the Docker Official PostgreSQL image, and therefore, it also supports the environmental variables found there:


Read more:

Available Docker build args

Please check the Dockerfiles for the full list of build args!

  • Alpine Linux: ./Dockerfile
    • supported [ edge 3.20 3.19 3.18 3.17 3.16 3.15 3.14 ]
    • example: --build-arg ALPINE_VERSION="3.20" -f Dockerfile
  • Ubuntu Linux: ./Dockerfile.ubuntu
    • supported [ devel 24.10 24.04 22.04 20.04 oracular noble jammy focal ]
    • example: --build-arg UBUNTU_VERSION="24.04" -f Dockerfile.ubuntu

Other important build args:

  • --build-arg PG_MAJOR="17"
    • Choose the main version of PostgreSQL. Default is 17.
    • You can choose from 16, 17.
  • --build-arg BUILD_CC_COMPILER="gcc"
    • Choose the C compiler. Default is clang.
    • You can choose either clang or gcc.

For example, to build an image using Alpine version 3.20, the gcc compiler and PostgreSQL version 16, use the following command:

docker build --pull --network=host --progress=plain \
--build-arg ALPINE_VERSION="3.20" \
--build-arg BUILD_CC_COMPILER="gcc" \
--build-arg PG_MAJOR="16" \
-f Dockerfile \
-t orioletest:16-gcc-alpine3.20 .

To build an image using Ubuntu version devel, the clang compiler and PostgreSQL version 17, use the following command:

docker build --pull --network=host --progress=plain \
--build-arg UBUNTU_VERSION="devel" \
--build-arg BUILD_CC_COMPILER="clang" \
--build-arg PG_MAJOR="17" \
-f Dockerfile.ubuntu \
-t orioletest:17-clang-ubuntu-devel .

The "devel" version is the latest development Ubuntu version, so it might not be stable.

Experimental OrioleDB + PostGIS Extension build

Known limitations:

  • OrioleDB gist, sp-gist, and other related indexes are not yet supported.

Step 1: create image: orioletest:17-gcc-alpine3.20

docker build --pull --network=host --progress=plain \
--build-arg ALPINE_VERSION="3.20" \
--build-arg BUILD_CC_COMPILER="gcc" \
--build-arg PG_MAJOR="17" \
-t orioletest:17-gcc-alpine3.20 .

Step2: Build the oriolegis:17-3.5-alpine image.

in a new directory, run this commands:

git clone --depth=1
cd ./docker-postgis/17-3.5/alpine
docker build --network=host --progress=plain \
--build-arg BASE_IMAGE=orioletest:17-gcc-alpine3.20 \
-t oriolegis:17-3.5-alpine .

Developer notes:

To build all Docker image variations on a local machine, run the following command:

  • ./ci/
  • or (experimental) ./ci/ --help
  • Supported base images (with security updates):
  • Supported base image architectures:
    • [ amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x]
  • Supported base images (with security updates):
  • Supported base image architectures:
    • [ amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x ]


On macOS you might need to install bash and gnu-getopt from Homebrew. To install them run the command:

brew install bash gnu-getopt

Update your /etc/shells:

echo /opt/homebrew/bin/bash >> /etc/shells

You may need to update your PATH variable in the .bashrc or .zshrc file:

  • Testing: If you can test on architectures other than amd64, please let us know!

  • Some QEMU versions can't emulate PostgreSQL JIT. In this case, use jit=off.

  • Security: Note that ports which are not bound to the host (i.e., -p 5432:5432 instead of -p will be accessible from the outside. This also applies if you configured UFW to block this specific port, as Docker manages its own iptables rules. ( Read More ). With a simple password and open ports, you can be infected by crypto miners !

  • Windows: If you encounter any problems, please use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2).

  • Extending the current OrioleDB Docker images is not easy; you can't use Ubuntu PostgreSQL packages (like: postgresql-16-mobilitydb) - you need to build from source.