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OrioleDB Source Code Structure

The OrioleDB source code structure comprises various components including workflows for CI/CD, documentation, tests, and C-source files, structured to facilitate development, testing (including under Valgrind), and deployment of the OrioleDB extension for PostgreSQL, with a focus on concurrency testing and performance analysis through stop events and CI workflows.

File structure

|- .github
| |- workflows
| | |- build.yml -- build & test each commit
| | |- docker.yml -- build docker images for each release
| | |- rpm.yml -- build CentOS 7 packages on demand
| |- FUNDING.yml
|- ci -- scripts used within build.yml workflow
|- doc -- documentation
|- expected -- expected output for regression and isolation tests
|- include -- C-headers of extension
|- specs -- isolation tests
|- sql -- regression tests
|- src -- C-sources of extension
|- t -- python tests
|- Dockerfile -- Dockerfile used within docker.yml workflow
|- LICENSE -- defines PostgreSQL-licence for the project
|- Makefile -- defines make targets
|- -- main documentation entrypoint
|- -- entrypoint file for Docker images
|- orioledb--1.0.sql -- script for definition of extension SQL-level objects
|- orioledb.control -- extension control file
|- orioledb_isolation.conf -- configuration file used during isolation tests
|- orioledb_regression.conf -- configuration file used during regression tests
|- stopevents.txt -- list of "stop event"
|- -- generates include/utils/stopevents_(defs|data).h from stopevents.txt
|- -- generates list of C-symbols in to orioledb.typedefs
|- valgrind.supp -- suppression rules for valgrind checks

Makefile targets

All test-related targets accept VALGRIND=1 argument, which makes the tests to be run under valgrind. Valgrind makes tests about ~100 times slower but catches uninitialized memory access. Another positive side-effect of Valgrind's super slow test runs is completely different timings, which can spot various types of errors.

  • regresscheck -- run SQL-tests (see below).
  • isolationcheck -- run isolation tests (see below).
  • testgrescheck -- run testgres tests (see below).
  • testgrescheck_part_1 -- first half of testgres checks. Testgres tests are splitted in a two nearly equal halfs to evade too long individual CI runs.
  • testgrescheck_part_2 -- second half of testgres checks.
  • installcheck -- run all types of tests when installed using PostgreSQL extension system (USE_PGXS=1).
  • check -- run all types of tests when installed from contrib folder of PostgreSQL source code.
  • pgindent -- automatically indents OrioleDB sources. pgindent tool should be available in $PATH. Note, that you need to install pg_bsd_indent first. Also, you need GNU Objdump available in $PATH as objdump or gobjdump, or be specified in OBJDUMP environment variable.


OrioleDB has 3 groups of tests described below.

  • SQL tests are located in the sql folder. This is the most simple type of test. The sql-file gets passed to psql and the result is compared to the reference output in the expected folder. Note that there might be multiple reference outputs for one input file. For instance, collate.sql contains collation-aware tests. The result may match to collate.out, collate_1.out, or collate_2.out depending on database encoding and the presence of libicu.

  • Isolation tests are located in the specs folder. These tests simulate multiple connections running simultaneously. See README in the PostgreSQL source tree. These tests are especially powerful in conjunction with stop events.

  • Python testgres tests located in t. These are the most powerful and complex tests. Additionally to the ability to simulate multiple simultaneous connections, they can perform actions with the whole PostgreSQL instance such as start, stop, backup, replication, etc. See the testgres docs for details.


OrioleDB uses GitHub CI. The CI workflows are described below.


This workflow runs the following tests for each of the two compilers (gcc and clang) and each of the supported PostgreSQL major versions (13, 14, and 15).

  • normal -- run tests without asserts and without debug symbols.
  • debug -- run test with asserts and with debug symbols.
  • alignment -- run test with asserts, with debug symbols, and with alignment sanitizers. This replaces running tests on strict alignment architectures providing even somewhat stricter checks (for instance, it traps you on accessing a properly-aligned member of an unproperly aligned structure, which real hardware wouldn't do).
  • check_page -- runs tests with asserts, with debug symbols, and with CHECK_PAGE_STRUCT macro enabled. This macro provides the page structure check on every page unlock.
  • valgrind_1 -- runs regresscheck, isolationcheck and testgrescheck_part_1 under valgrind with asserts and with debug symbols.
  • valgrind_2 -- runs testgrescheck_part_2 under Valgrind with asserts and with debug symbols.
  • static -- runs clang-analyzer or cppcheck over sources.


This workflow builds docker images for amd64 and arm64v8 architectures under Alpine Linux. This Dockerfile is slightly adjusted PostgreSQL Dockerfile. See our dockerhub for details.


This workflow build RPM packages for CentOS 7 using specification from the orioledb/pgrpms repository, a fork of pgrpms repository.

Stop events

Stop events are special places in the code, where the execution could be stopped on some condition. Stop events are used for the reliable reproduction of concurrency issues. OrioleDB isolation and testgres tests use stop events.

Stop event exposes a set of parameters, encapsulated into jsonb value. The condition over stop event parameters is defined using jsonpath language.

The SQL-level functions and variables for stop events manipulation are listed below.

  • orioledb.enable_stopevents -- enables stop events checking for the process. Stop events checking is expensive and significantly affects the performance. This is why stop events are disabled by default.

  • orioledb.trace_stopevents -- enables logging of all the stop events. Disabled by default.

  • pg_stopevent_set(eventname text, condition jsonpath) RETURNS void -- set the condition for the stop event. Once the function is executed, all the processes, which run a given stop event with parameters satisfying the given jsonpath condition, will be stopped.

  • pg_stopevent_reset(eventname text) RETURNS bool -- reset the stop event. All the processes previously stopped on the given stop event will continue the execution.

  • pg_stopevents(OUT stopevent text, OUT condition jsonpath, OUT waiter_pids int[]) RETURNS SETOF record -- returns all the stop events currently set with their conditions and waiter process pids.

At C-level, the following macros are there for managing stop events.

  • STOPEVENTS_ENABLED() -- checks if stop events are enabled.
  • STOPEVENT(event_id, params) -- raises given stop event with given jsonb parameters.
  • STOPEVENT_CONDITION(event_id, params) -- check stop event condition without stopping the execution. Used for error simulation.

The list of stop events is defined in stopevents.txt file. The script generates include/utils/stopevents_defs.h (macros) and include/utils/stopevents_data.h (name strings) files with C-definitions of the stop events list.